Saturday, January 3, 2009

goodbye winter break

today was not a good day
yesterday i fell on my ankle and it swelled up like a crazy mamajama. perfect timing considering formal is this friday and i have a ballet competition in two weeks yay!
palm springs was my only winter break get away...and it was boring...not to mention that i could barely walk aroundd
people should stop being so stingy with formal stuffffffffffffff >;/
have to do all my homework tomorrow :(
HOLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY there are so many vocab words for brannen -___-
certain people are making me depressed/angry but thankfully i have josh&jess for AIM ranting sessions <<<<3333333333

but on more interesting subjects...
i realized that since my mom is a doctor
i can get two days out of pe with her note as a parent...then more days with!
ahhahahah but yeah my ankle looks like theres an egg under my skin. like a huge bubble near my foot. im borrowing megans crutches so i dont have to limp and can travel faster than .000001 mph. kevin sprained his ankle too!!!! twinssssss
no, that wasnt much of an interesting subject...hmmmmmmmm
oh! homecoming is on a pretty bad day. most college kids will be back in school already, unless they want to come back for weekend to watch us play oxford? this is not interesting either.
boo how uninterestingggg!
its 12:12 i just made a wish :D
my feet are cold. and have been cold. my fuzzy socks are futile against the cold!
time to shut up. byeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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